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Info page for Supercell’s personnel

Info page for Supercell’s personnel

Before you start trading, we will ask you a few questions relating to securities trading and determine a suitable selection of investment objects for you. Please answer the questions when you log in to your Trader account for the first time.

This page contains instructions on the following Trader-related topics:

Select the trading platform that is right for you

You can choose between three trading platforms: TraderONE, TraderGO and the corresponding mobile apps as well as the TraderPRO software.

TraderONE – For equity and fund investors

In TraderONE, you can trade with thousands of investment objects on the world’s equity, fund, ETF and bond markets. TraderONE is a convenient trading app that works in browsers and on mobile devices. Follow market news issued by international news agencies and Kauppalehti directly in the app.

TraderGO – For active traders

TraderGO is the most advanced trading platform on the market, and it enables you to trade within the entire investment universe offered by Saxo Bank. TraderGO covers tens of thousands of investment objects on equity, fund, ETF and derivative markets around the globe. You have access to a versatile browser-based app and a mobile app, developed particularly for the needs of active traders.

TraderPRO – Professional-level trading platform

TraderPRO is a professional-level trading platform that you install on your computer. It is available for both Windows and Mac. The application offers the broadest selection of investment objects on the market: futures, options, currency pairs, currency options, shares, bonds, funds and ETFs. TraderPRO includes a wide range of useful tools, and you can customise the views on as many as six screens.

Transferring money to Trader

You will be able to start investing immediately once you have transferred money into the Trader account. The easiest way to do this is through a real-time online payment in the Trader service.

How can I transfer money into the Trader account?

The easiest way to transfer money into the Trader account is through a real-time online payment. In the TraderONE app, you can find Online Payment under Portfolio by selecting Deposits and Transfers. In the TraderGO browser app, you can select Online Payments by opening the Funding menu. You can also transfer money into your trading account by making a bank transfer into your IBAN account at Saxo Bank. You can see the information required for a bank transfer by selecting Funding and Bank transfer. If you wish, you can also create several currency accounts in Trader.

Deposits made through online payments

Deposits made through online payments are transferred into the trading account in real time, and the assets are immediately at your disposal for trading. Please note that interest is charged on the Trader trading account (account code ending in INET) if you make a deposit into the Trader trading account and then immediately make a transfer between your accounts into your equity savings account (ESA).

Although the money deposited into the INET account is immediately at your disposal for trading, the assets are only reconciled after two banking days (t+2). If you wish to trade through your ESA immediately after the deposit, you should make the deposit directly into the ESA.

Can I create more than one currency account in Trader?

If you wish, you can create several currency accounts in Trader. To create a currency account, please contact our Trader customer service by e-mail, trader@mandatumlife.fi.

Trader pricing for Supercell’s personnel

You will first trade in the best price category until the end of the month following the month in which you opened your account. Thereafter, you will trade in the plus or best price category, depending on the size of your portfolio and your trading activity.

Mobile apps

As a Trader customer, you will have access to two mobile trading apps: the easy-to-use TraderONE or the TraderGO app designed for active traders. You can download the apps from App Store or Google Play and freely decide which one is best suited to your strategy. If you wish, you can also use both apps.

Biometric authentication

After the first authentication through your online banking codes, you can activate the quick biometric authentication feature. On Apple’s devices, you can use Face ID or Touch ID for authentication, and on Android devices, you can log in through fingerprint authentication.

Opening an equity savings account in the Trader trading service

You can trade with both Finnish and foreign exchange-traded equities through an equity savings account (ESA). Dividends based on the equities in the ESA and any capital gains from selling such equities can be directly re-invested within the ESA without having to pay any taxes in between.

You can transfer up to EUR 50,000 into an ESA, and the account’s market value may freely exceed EUR 50,000 without an upper limit. You can only transfer money into an ESA, i.e. you cannot transfer your previous equity holdings into the account.